Is Your Mindset Keeping You Poor?

What's keeping you poor? What's keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams? Is it your job? Is it your family or is it you? Do you find yourself constantly struggling with money? Do you always find there's more days in the month than there is money? Check your wallet, do you see cobwebs in it? If you are constantly having money issues no matter how hard you work, the problem may be you. Your mindset about money could be that's keeping you poor. Basically, you have a poor man's mentality. What do I mean by that? It means that if you believe you don't deserve to have a lot of money, then your subconscious mind is going to do everything to keep you from keeping money. It's going to sabotage you every time you come into a lot of money. Whether from working or winning the lottery. You may be saying, "that's not true, I want to have a lot of money". That may be true, but if deep down inside, in your core, you believe that you don't de...

Lessons About Money In the Bible

The Bible has many lessons regarding wealth. The one I like most is the Parable of Talents.

The parable tells of a master who was leaving his home to travel, and before going, entrusted his property to his servants. One servant receives five talents, the second two talents, and the third one talent, according to their respective abilities.

I found a video that tells this story very well.

Putting the religious lesson aside, the Parable of Talent teaches that one should have respect for money and make money work for you to let it grow. If you give money the respect it deserves, you will be richly rewarded.

However, if you are lazy and let your money stagnate or keep it under your mattress, you will have the same amount of money and it will eventually lose it just like Hod, the last servant in the video. Like the master said, if Hod was not willing to risk the money, he should have at least given the money to the bankers so that the master would have earned interest on it. Instead, the money was taken away from Hod and was given to Aaron who made the most money.

This is akin to the proverb, "The rich gets richer and poor gets poorer" because the rich knows how to make money work for them and the poor just bury their money and don't let it work hard for them. They end up with less and less and eventually with nothing.

Apply this lesson in your life and you will eventually be richly rewarded.


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Is Your Mindset Keeping You Poor?